Thursday, September 16, 2010

Next on Tap- Zambia

We want people to know that we are planning on landing in Zambia after we spend 10 days in Spain. We are going to help consult on some agriculture projects and to really get a grasp on how we can help sustainable agriculture projects for NGO's. Its cool because we are returning to build a farm project we started in 2002. It will be a training centre for people from across Zambia, literally impacting 1000's of people.

There is a serious need and crisis in SubSaharan Africa. There is constantly the threat of food shortages and yet Africa produces 1/15 what we do in the west on the same amount of land. It seems to make sense that people feed themselves. But how do organizations responsible for 1000's of orphans feed their own? How do villages who care for orphans and widows grow enough to feed everyone? These are the questions we want to dig into for organizations like:

VisionLedd and Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada, and others if we get a chance.

Where we are at this point is needing about $14,000 to support us on this leg of the journey. This will get us there, give us the startup we need. We really feel like this will come as we start doing the stuff. If you can help we would appreciate it. PAOC has offered to allow us to fundraise and offer tax receipts through them. What it could look like is a monthly donation, or a lump sum. Whatever. Basically we need 20 people to give $100/month, or 14 to give us $1000. Trick is we have a short timeline to raise it or we will have to come home. If you know of someone who likes giving to Africa pass along the note.

In any case, we believe it is the right place for us to be going, but have no way of making it happen. So, if you pray....pray. We will let you know how it turns out. We are so thankful for all the ways stuff has already come together. The gifts we have received that have gotten us out the door and 1/2 way there.

house concerts, strollers, garage sales, gifts....the list goes on.

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