Wednesday, June 23, 2010

When God closes a door...

A month until we are on the move.

This is the time when I am looking at a blank page.

I have no idea about what will come after October. I don't know what is going to happen to my couches. I do know that I am excited and afraid.

The hardest sacrifice thus far has been having to return Kathryn's French Immersion package to her school. I don't know why. I think it just made me realize that it is pretty hard to have nomadic adventure and rooted community at the same time.

I am hoping that we are making a choice that impacts all five of us with wide-open joy.

I am praying that He opens a window...

Sunday, June 20, 2010

If you want adventure

A while ago we got a book that has been very helpful in finding work overseas and in figuring out what it is we really wanted. It is called The Global Citizen. Amongst some of its useful features are websites to find work, ways to live cheaply and a personality profile to suit you to a particular place and culture. Kate came across this the other day I thought it was appropriate for us.

If you want change- take risks

If you want security- plan your jump

if you want adventure- allow for the unplanned

If you want to write a book- live something worth writing about

If you think it will be easy- think again.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


AUGUST 15th.
Destination #1 FRANCE
Our first stop in Europe will be Paris and then on to Taize for a week of prayer. Taize is a world destination for people coming to find God from all over the world. Taize prayer and worship services are all over the globe. Check them out at . We have been welcomed and booked in as a family to tent for one week.

Monday, June 14, 2010


Resolve is a funny thing. It doesn't mean that you have all your ducks in a row. It doesn't mean that the way ahead is even clear. What it does mean is that no matter what you are going to head THAT WAY!

Our problem has been, 'what way?' In a sense we are asking, 'What do we really want.' In another sense we are saying, 'Do we really want to pay that price.' One of our greatest assets is encouragers. Quite frankly our friends know we are crazy, that we take risks. They may not understand and definitely won't try to follow us, but they can see us in a sense better than we see ourselves.

Last week was a great example. I had my lowest point yet. Absolutely low, depressed, anxious and saying SOMETHING HAS TO HAPPEN. The first thing to happen was some friends had us over to sit on their porch. They had been praying for us and had an idea of serving us communion. The word, thought they had was simple, 'Manna.' An image of God providing in deserts. Something that I had often wondered if God would do for me and many times seen the answer to be yes. My trouble is always believing in this present moment will the answer be the same. (guys a great word thanks).

I was still left with the though....'BUT SOMETHING STILL HAS TO GIVE.' The next day through some bizzare circumstances a guy came to the house to look at the possibility of buying it. Weird, but awesome.

Since then there have been many-encouragers. Even though we don't have an answer, at least through it all I am resolved to keep going.
