Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Kids Camp at Olinda

Fri. Aug. 27th

Little did we know we set up camp in the wrong spot. Friday to Sunday had us landed in the beautiful village of Olinda just a five minute walk from Taize. We packed up our luggage and made another treck past horses (Cameron was in his element) and fields of lavender (Kathryn was in hers) and Simeon had old stone walls to climb so all the children were joyous despite their time-zone suffering.
Olinda was exactly what we needed to recuperate. They had a park for each of our children’s age groups and programs for each of the kids in the mornings. They also had a drama and bible study of the prodigal son story in the afternoon.

While the kids had their program in the mornings we had a teaching around the prodigal son story as well and then a group time with parents who also spoke English. Our group leaders were Andrew and Anna from England with Brigitta and Aiden their children. Brigitta became Kathryn’s “best best best best friend” [Emphasis hers] and Simeon and Aiden spent most of their shared time arguing about who was bigger.

Olinda has an incredible chapel in the cellar of the home they had us staying in (Yes, a week without a tent;) And we met a most amazing family from France as well.
So thankful to finally feel like I am able to breathe.

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