I should be prepping for my History of Christianity II course, but when pull a maggot from your leg.....you should take a minute to tell everyone. So here is how it goes. For a few days now I have had two growing pussy like boils on my thigh and lower leg. Cameron had a similar boil on his leg which made me think, it could be from a biting insect which is prevalent right now. Simply mosquito bites gone bad. I had tried to pop it, but to no avail and instead decided to treat it like a boil. My sister in law even called from Costa Rica to give a home remedy for boils. Take hot water every 10 minutes, apply compress. Apply anti-bacterial soap. Keep clean the advice reads.
Today loosing patience with the monumental size it was growing too, and the pain that occurred when the muscles were flexed I decided to take matters into my own hands-literally. At this point the diameter of each is about the size of a quarter, and there is a large white center. I would call it puss, but I know better now. Regarding the pain I knew that I would have to squeeze the boil hard if I were to release the pressure.
Taking both hands and using a tremendous effort with both thumbs I worked the boil. It was several painful attempts before I began to see progress and the boil begin to release liquidy ooze. Encouraged by this and somewhat happy that the self inflicted pain made my leg feel better, I pressed on so to speak. All of a sudden in one big go a large pussy-like center came from the wound. A little squeeze fully released this whitish, and somewhat pointy object.
What shocked me was the small mound lying on top of the quarter sized boil was itself-wriggling, much like a worm looking for it's hole. Under close examination it was a maggot looking for its hole. Surprised and disgusted I realized this too is what was growing on Cammie's back which at this point was causing him great discomfort. I ran to the living room pinned him to the couch and squeezed....Again- a nice white maggot erupted from the boil.
Now I have a background in entomology (the study of insects) and have for years been aware of the presence of parasitic larvae in Africa. Every laundry we leave clothes out to dry an extra 24 hours to prevent such infections. It is one of the ways in which our life here is nuanced by our location. Whether this insect living in my thigh is one from our laundry or from some other source the important thing is....it is out! But, it is now time for investigation. I invite all my curious and now disgusted readers to suggest both the insect and the mode of infection.
I usually tell people, if you are going on a missions trip, take me along because I will for sure be an attraction to whatever parasite is there. One more reason I should stay out of Brazil. Our neighbor Chris has just walked in, with a large boil on his face. We are preparing a boil party. Gotta run.
In closing I would like to say sorry to Niki, who for sure isn't going to visit us now. Happy hunting for our little white wriggling parasite, let me know what you come up with.
Hi Rob,
ReplyDeleteThe issue here is mango worms which are the result of flies that have been around mango trees. The flies lay eggs in your clothes which then hatch and get into your skin, so we have everything ironed, even underwear and socks, to kill the eggs. They result in big boils with maggots/worms. ML had a growing bump just under her large toenail. Upon opening it with a needle, out came a small white worm with a little black head. After 2 days another one was released and later a third one. Each time the area was cleaned with disinfectant. A friend here had 7 on his back a week or so ago that sound just like what you described. John in Pemba, Mozambique
Oh. My. Gosh. That is so disgusting. Yuck.
ReplyDelete...... but kind of cool.
ReplyDeleteI hope you don't get anymore!!!!
ReplyDeleteLooks like you need to hire an ironing lady!
ReplyDeleteHey Rob!
ReplyDeleteIn Nigeria they are called Tumbu flies, I had a similar experience when we lived in Africa. Only exception is that I knew it was a maggot in my leg...I had three and managed to get the first two out when they were small but was waiting for the one in my knee to get a big larger so that it would come out easier. Only problem was I came down with a lovely Typhoid/Malaria combo and was barely consious for a number of days and hospitalized so on he grew! As I would come in and out of my stupor I would watch him poke his head up to breathe....yuck! If it happens again, put a bit of vaseline over the opening of the wound, this causes them to stick their head up further to try to get air and then you can usually grab them out with tweezers.
And really? You think Brazil is worse than Africa for parasites?